a slow, filmic + sonic simulation of a perimeter walk
In ‘Walking The Perimeter Fence’ the audience is invited to experience a walk around a Detention site, viewed via an intimate filmic, photographic sequence, through a hand-operated image viewer.
Accompanied by field sound-recordings, documenting the ambient sonic details of the immediate surroundings, the audience re-experiences the action of walking the site, situated within the landscape and its placement on the fringes of a semi-suburban residential context. Ambient sounds include an active building site to the south, a nursery, a community theatre, children’s playground, a busy road with traffic passing alongside and an active military barracks.
Continuing the thematic of ‘bearing witness’, through this work, audiences are invited to consider the physical and political structures that contain, surround and detain, and the enfolding humanitarian situation and living conditions that asylum seekers are facing presently, within the UK.
Exhibited at:
‘Trespass’ – Fringe Arts Bath (FAB) 2023
Simbah Pilé + Stacey Pottinger curators